Newstead Tennis and Squash’s aspiration is that our club is recognised for a reputation of unwavering commitment to integrity.

Every aspect of club life should be safe, welcoming and inclusive for all. NTSC should also achieve fair and honest sporting performances and outcomes so that the public has confidence in the results.

The Club Policies listed below outline the rules and standards of behaviour expected of our community in order to support this vision. The role of the club’s committee is to manage and administer the Policies.

NTSC takes a zero-tolerance approach to child abuse and any form of unlawful discrimination or harassment, including but not limited to homophobia, biphobia. transphobia, racism, sexism, ageism and ableism.

If you’re concerned, speak up.

We take all reports relating to our Policies very seriously and encourage members of the NTSC community to voice any genuine concerns about conduct that may have breached the Policies below. If you wish to make a report to the Club Committee please do so using the following contact details.

  • email: newsteadtennisandsquash at

  • phone: Choose any committee member from those listed on the contacts page.

Alternatively you can contact our national body the Tennis Australia Integrity and Compliance Unit (TAICU) via:

NTSC are allies of all children and young people, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and members of the LGBTQI+ community.


NTSC encourages the use of social media and recognises and appreciates the value of social media as a tool for the NTSC community to engage, communicate, learn, share and drive innovation. As social media is shared in the public realm, it is important that members of the NTSC community conduct themselves appropriately whilst using social media and ensure that the public reputation of NTSC and our members is protected.

> Download the NTSC Social Media Policy

ntsc endorses the FOLLOWING national Tennis AUSTRALIA policies and is guided by them


This is our pinnacle policy designed to keep the sport safe and inclusive for all. It covers our most serious behavioural issues such as discrimination, abuse, harassment, and racism and applies at all times when you are doing anything connected to tennis. This policy also covers our screening processes and complaint handling process for alleged breaches of this and other Tennis Australia national policies (i.e. Safeguarding Children Code of Conduct and Improper Use of Drugs and Medicine)

> Download Tennis Australia’s Member Protection Policy


The Tennis Australia Safeguarding Children Code of Conduct has been developed specifically to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of all children participating in Australian tennis programs, activities, events or services, and to outline the clear behaviour standards required of personnel when dealing with children participating in Australian tennis.

This covers all things related to children within tennis along with reinforcing our commitment to child safety and all of the standards in our member protection policy. It provides guidance around common interactions with children including transport and overnight stays.

> Download the Tennis Australia Safeguarding Children Code of Conduct


This policy is designed to keep the competitive play environment (i.e. tournaments, competitions, leagues, etc.) safe and fair. It covers behaviours both on court and off court (i.e., ball abuse, spectator misconduct) and applies to all players, coaches, parents/guardians, and spectators participating in or attending a tennis tournament or competition in Australia.

> View Code of Behaviour: Competitive Play


The Tennis Australia Anti-Doping Policy is the Australian National Anti-Doping Policy, effective from 1 January 2021, and found here on the Sport Integrity Australia website. All members, participants and non-participants (including players, coaches, support personnel and administrators) in the sport of tennis are bound by this policy.

Please be aware that the Australian National Anti-Doping Policy has been varied such that all references in the Australian National Anti-Doping Policy to the National Sports Tribunal (NST) are taken to be references to the NST or the Tennis Australia Tribunal.

> Read the Australian National Anti-Doping Policy


Tennis Australia is committed to the protection of your personal information in accordance with the National Privacy Principles, and from 12 March 2014, the Australian Privacy Principles, set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

> View Tennis Australia’s Privacy Policy


The Tennis Whistleblower Program has been developed to encourage disclosure of any wrongdoings by providing convenient and safe disclosure mechanisms and protection for people who do so. We are thankful for those in our community that speak up and report wrongdoings, as it allows us to better safeguard our tennis community.

> View the Whistleblower Policy
> View the Whistleblower Guidelines


This policy has been developed to protect athletes from harm caused by the improper use of medicines, supplements and illegal drugs. The policy provides a framework to address and deter the use and distribution of illegal drugs in sport, and to ensure that medications and injections are only given to athletes by qualified people and as part of appropriate medical treatment.

> View the Improper Use of Drugs and Medicine Policy


The policy is designed to protect competitive tennis players from injury and illness that may result by playing tennis in extreme weather conditions.

> View the Extreme Weather Policy